My Solution For
A common problem.
I was a single mom raising two kids, working a fulltime job for an agency, and working for myself, part time, as a florist. I needed to be organized. I believe if you gradually organize small areas of your life, you develop a since of clarity which makes life so much easier.
My Tidy Soul Pillow was created to keep my vanity area neat and clean. I used to place a hand towel between myself and the face bowl when performing my toiletry duties. The problem was that the towel that was used to absorb water splatter and debris too often fell on the floor at the most inopportune times.
Made With Love
and high standards.
My dream was to develop an item to do the job of the towel but remain stationary. I also wanted my creation to be a luxury item with impeccable craftmanship and comfort. My Tidy Soul pillow is just that.
Once you start using it, you will find you cannot do without it. It’s Addictive!
I love My Tidy Soul Pillow and I know you will love it as well.
My Statement Of Desire For You
My wish for you is, each morning and evening as you rest your forearms upon your Tidy Soul Pillow and gaze into your mirror, your pillow allows you to connect with the essence of who you truly are, YOUR SOUL!
My hope is that you profess to your God, The Universe, Your Source, Gratitude and Love for all your blessings and begin and end each day with a DELIBRATE INTENTION knowing ALL IS WELL!
My hope is that you profess to your God, The Universe, Your Source, Gratitude and Love for all your blessings and begin and end each day with a DELIBRATE INTENTION knowing ALL IS WELL!